Time Backer app for iPhone and iPad
This can let you browse through over 150 billion web pages archived from 1996 to a few months ago.
You know, all web browser always show latest contents, but this app can show historic contents (for example, contents of a day in last year or 5 years before).
On our server side, we archived host contents periodically , so you can access and view the archived contents for a host by special a past date in this app. (If archived contents not existing, this app will show contents on a date most around the given one ). You will get the contents of happened in past days, just like you are visiting the web site on the past day, that is the magic "Time Back" function.
You can check whats happened on a past day on a news host, or check whats your favorite web site looks like in the past 5 or 10 years.
1: Enter the target URL address into the text field.
2: Select a specical date and press "Take Me Back" button to browse the web of the past around the selected date.
3: Or select on a date from the time map section to browse the web for that time.